Webinar: PPGS-UFS goes abroad: internationalizing researches about fiscal rules and political renewal
Brief Description:
This Webinar’s proposal is organized by the PhD candidates, Saulo Barbosa and Teresa Ruas, who were recently granted the CAPES Doctoral Sandwich Scholarship. Saulo will be hosted at the Sucola Normale Superiore under the supervision of Prof. Donatella Della Porta and Teresa will be hosted at Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies under the supervision of Prof. Leon Wansleben. This is a one-hour webinar where the speakers will present their research topics and their expectations for learning and exchanging knowledge abroad.
This webinar will be held entirely in English as it is part of PPGS’s internalization activities.
This webinar also aims to inaugurate a series of English-spoken webinars named “#PPGS-UFS goes abroad” where students and researchers from PPGS are invited to share their international experience with the general public.
October 24th, 2022. From 1.30pm to 2.30pm.
Click here to join the webinar https://meet.google.com/kzj-wran-xgj
Speaker 01: Saulo Barbosa
Speaker 02: Teresa Ruas
Moderator: Marina de Souza Sa